Mombasa 1646
Mombasa 1646

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Muhammad ibn Omar al-Tayyib Bafqih: Tarikh al-Shihr (History of Shihr in the 10th century)


Taken from:  تاريخ الشّحر وأخبار القرن العاشر 


In the year 904AH (=1499-1500AD)

……. And in it: Sa`d bin Mubarak was killed by insulting al-Kindi in the Swahili city of Manbasa. He and a group of skilled people from the house of Muhammad and others, they betrayed him and killed them till the last of them, except for some who fled in the boats.

Note: This author died in 1630, and so is really out of the Middle Ages; this small notice however just falls in it.