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Zain al-Manjam ibn Sulaiman Qonavi:(Jadawil fi Al-Nujum wa Al-Akhtiyarat)

(Tables of stars and Options) (1371) Turkey.


Taken from:


The manuscript of this valuable book in Persian, archive number 2782, is kept in the Noor Ottoman Library in Istanbul.

Note however that the sea on the right is the Mediterranean; so Europe is not really on the map.

Like most Islamic maps south is on top and the southern continent is Africa with the East African coast running West to East instead of North to South. The enormous red brown mass in the upper right corner of the circle is the Mountain of the Moon. From where a double Nile runs towards the Mediterranean. The red tower in between its two mouths is the Lighthouse of Alexandria dating from classical times and which was then already in ruins. This double Nile is only found on this type of maps.


Very similar maps are found on my webpages:

- Miscellany of scientific works, one part based on Zij-i Ilkhani of Al Tusi. (Tables of the year 1309)

-(Compiled for) Padshah Adil Aran Khan: Collective ms. Leiden Or. 563 with astronomical and medical tables (1390) (Persia)

-Ann: Taqwim-i Tarikhi (Historical Calendar) (1450)

This map also somehow resembles the map in the Mudjmal al -Tawarikh wa-l-qisas (1126) as well as the 16th century one of Ali Mustapha al Galliapoli (Turkey).