Ibn Dhuhairah: al Fadayil al Bahira (the Brilliant Virtues) (d1483)


Taken from: https://ia802807.us.archive.org/8/items/jijel1tassoust/17.pdf



(When speaking about the Nile) And the scholars are unanimously agreed that there is no river in the world longer than the Nile, a month's march in Islam, two months in Nubia, and four months in barren country up to where it emerges from the Moon Mountain behind the equator. There is no river in this world that pours into the Sea of Rum and of China other than the Nile of Egypt. And there is no river in this world that increases and extends in the most heat season when the rivers and springs of the world are short (of water). The higher the temperature, the greater the increase in it .

There is no river in this world on which to grow what is grown on the Nile, and from the outflow of a river from the rivers of this world is not levied what is required from the outlet.



(Al-Masoudi (1) mentioned in Mourouj Al-Dhahab)

………..The origin of the Nile and its source from under the Mountain of the Moon, and the principle of its appearance from twelve eyes. And the moon mountain behind the equator. The Mountain of the Moon has equal night and day, and it was added to the moon because it shows its influence on it when it is increased or decreased because of light, darkness, full moon and the new moon. And it was said that the mountain of the moon was called because the moon does not see it. Then look at the scourse coming out from underneath it and it passes in channels as if it were fine springs until it ends in two Batihah.

Al-Masoudi said: Then the water collects flowing from them, and it passes through sand there and mountains, then it penetrates the land of Sudan from the countries of Zinj. And it is a barren land in which there are a people of the Muslims except that they have a dark color. They overcame it and dominate it. ………..

(1) Al-Masoudi: see my webpage Al-Masoudi (916)