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Samawal ibn Yahya al-Maghribi al-Israili; (1175)
Nuzhat al-ahbab fi muasharati l-albab
(the walk of the beloveds in the relationship with the hearts)
converted Jew from Fez settled in Baghdad

Taken from; G. Rotter; Die stellung des negers in der islamisch-arabischen gesellschaft.

Zangiyat: there are many like them, and the blacker they are…the more their teeth are pointed.

The use that the Zanj have is little; the problems they bring are big.

Dance and rhythm is inborn to them. Because of their incorrect pronunciation of the Arab they turned to flute plays and rhythm.


Taken from: Die Kunst des Sklavenkaufs : nach arabischen, persischen und türkischen Ratgebern vom 10. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert by Müller, Hans


His recommendations on the use of Zang slaves are taken from Ibn Butlan. But in the Berlin ms the woman from Mecca come before the Zang women who are followed by the Zagawa (1) and Buga (2) women.

(1) Zagawa: also called Beri or Zakhawa, are a Sahelian Muslim ethnic group primarily residing in Fezzan North-eastern Chad, and western Sudan, including Darfur.

(2) Buga: Beja people from Sudan. The Egyptians leaving from Aswan;  the southern border town on the Nile; have to cross their territory to reach the harbours on the Red Sea.