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Sanjar al-Kamali: Zij-i Ashrafi  (1310)
(Astronomical Handbook) Yazd in central Iran

Taken from: David A. King; Worldmaps for finding the direction and distance to Mecca

Locality : Sufalat al Zanj Longitude 50 deg 0', latitude 2 deg  05'
Direction towards Mecca 143 deg 0'
Locality: Qanbala (1) Longitude 52deg 0', latitude 3 deg 0' South
Direction towards Mecca 148 deg 10'

Locality: Zaghawa (2) Longitude 56deg 30', latitude 1 deg South

(1) Qanbala: Qanbuluh: The island of Qanbalu from where the Zanj slaves were imported till the great Zanj revolt in Basra. (Zanzibar or Pemba)

(2) Zaghawa: also called Beri or Zakhawa, are a Sahelian Muslim ethnic group primarily residing in Fezzan North-eastern Chad, and western Sudan, including Darfur.


As illustration a drawing of Sofala 18th century.