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Al-Qadi Ayyad: Al-Tanbihat almustanbitat ealaa alkutub

(Allegations based on written and mixed books) (d1150)


Taken from:  كتاب التنبيهات المستنبطة على الكتب المدونة والمختلطة   by  القاضي عياض

Full name: Ayad ibn Musa Ibn Ayad Ibn Omran Al-Homsabi Al-Sabti, Abu Al-Fadl


Vol2 p377

And he said: and the Zanji Muslim bin Khalid (1) a man of Quraysh (2), like in mother” (3). But the Zangi named Mawlana Quraish white like milk, a scholar of Mecca, but weak in hadith because of his poor memorization and the large number of his mistakes. He was called Balzanji because he lived in a hot neighborhood inhabited by Zanji - a nation of Sudan.

Vol3 p958

And the Zinj: a race of Sudan


 Vol3 p965

(In a discussion about a boy that has been sold)

And say: In the matter of who claimed a boy from Sakaliba (Slaves) or Zinj and ratified him if he knew that he entered from that country.


Vol4 p1365

And Sindh (4), and Zinj:  Two nations from Sudan, in the Eastern region.


(1) Muslim bin Khalid al-Zangi, Sheikh Shafi'i, who was white: (d796) Jurist from Mecca. Mentioned by: Ibn el Djauzi (1256); Abd al-Karim ibn M. al Samani (1172); Hafiz Ibn Hajar al Asqalani (d1448); Ibn Nasir al-Din (d1438); Al-Qadi Ayyad (1150).

(2) Quraysh: tribe of the Prophet Mohamed.

(3) maybe: Muhammad b. Idris al-Shafi'i's: Umm al Kitab (Mother of Books) (820)

(4) Sindh; now in Pakistan.